Kara and Dan’s wedding day took place on a beautiful day in Indianapolis. They were married in the the beautiful St. Mary Catholic Church close to Mass Ave. They are two people who care greatly for their friends and family, and this was evident during their entire day.
I have been blessed to know Kara’s family for many years and I can say they are some of the best people I gotten to know and become friends with over the past several year. This was also a special wedding because I was Kara’s high school counselor and I also took her to several wedding with me as a photography assistant. She is now positively impacting and influencing her students as a teacher. While I haven’t known Dan and his family quite as long, I can’t say enough good things about them. Dan is a very positive, loyal, intelligent, and great guy.
Again, this day was amazing and we were so happy to be part of it. Kara looked beautiful on her wedding day and I can’t wait to see what the future holds for Kara and Dan. I look forward to staying connected to them in the future!
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